A little bit of preparation can save you and your business a lot in the long run

Posted in Safety updates

A little bit of preparation can save you and your business a lot in the long run

** Emergency Preparation
Are you prepared for the worst
Emergency Situation Preparation

Have you prepared for the upcoming storm session and summer heat.

With the change of seasons upon us it can lead to sudden and significant unplanned changes within a workplace.
Do you have a plan to deal with such an event?
Do you know when to leave or when to stay?
Do you know how to decide weather to stay or go?
Who is responsible for this decision?
If there is and emergency or damage how do you react?
When is it safe to return?
Do you have a plan to get back into you building if yo uare forced out?

Does your current emergency plan cover the things you really need it to cover or is it a one size fits all. When you pick up the phone to get help in dealing with a crisis do you received "we will get back to you as soon as we can" or no assistance at all. At Winning Safety we offer all the services, products and professionalism you expect from the larger companies without all the other issues to deal with.

We are driven by cost and customer service. To achieve this we will provide:
* up front costs for services and not hidden fees or extras.
* scope all the services to be provided and their costs
* provide written proposal for the services you request
* provide great customer service
* provide free simple advice upon request
* we are here to help you and will save you money wherever we can

For more information contact us on 0413 132 997 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also visit us at www.winningsafety.com

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